So Baggsy lives to fight and irritate another week but he doesn't do much of either this week. What's happening here? Is he charming in Germany? Weird.
Yes, the candidates are told to pack their bags for a foreign business trip. Baggsy reckons it'll be somewhere tough like a war-zone or somewhere hot. Christopher hopes it's not Germany, he hates the Germans, so Germany it is then. They're off to flog some crisps to the Germans. PMs Stella and Chris stay behind with Laura and Liz to sort out the flavours while Baggsy and sleepy-eyed Jo and Jamie and Christopher fly away to Hamburg to sort out some meetings with potential clients. Of course they have to do some market research first, you know, ask a man what crisps he likes and eat some sausages. Job done. So what flavours are concluded from this thorugh research? Yup, you guessed it, curry-pie. Mmmmm, I loves me a curry-pie and to have it in a handy crisp snack? My mind is blown. However the rest of the team aren't so keen. Morons.
Baggs is turning it around this week, shmoozing the German clients by attempting to speak to them in German, das IST wunderbar, Herr Baggs! Jo, on the other hand gets no such snaps for not trying in any way. Instead she goes for the patronising tone and charades miming. They are German, Jo, not retarded.
Christopher and Jamie meanwhile, secure an appointment with a big hotel chain for 9 the next morning- no wait, can they make it 1 instead? Must be the jetlag. Herr Baggs isn't feeling the jetlag however so he takes the 9 o'clock appointment. Did Christopher and Jim-Jam-Jamie make a mistake there? We'll see...
The worst candidate and the worst person generally EVER has to be Laura. She gets worse every week. My blood has gone from simmering to full on boiling to exploding out of my head. There's blood everywhere Laura! You did this! Oh! It's all on my sofa, pass me the Germinator. Sorry about that, anyway so yeah, not fond of her. Herr Baggs reminds her to speak slower and clearly to the potential clients; of course she knows, Herr Baggs, she's not an idiot. Turns out she is an idiot and she talks at the poor guy so fast even I'm having trouble understanding her. Other things happen on the other team but Laura is so awful I can't even remember what they are. And there she goes again with another hissy fit. She's annoyed that Stella and Jo have nicked her meeting and they're just shitty pieces of shit, it's just SHIIIIT! Excuse me, just throwing my shoes at the telly.
That earlier meeting re-arrangement was indeed a mistake as it turns out. Stella and Jo took an order at 9 so obviously the man don't want your order Chris and Liz. No they don't want to trial the product along side the other teams product. Yes that is a shame. The man said no. Bye then.
Poor old Chris. He's lost. Again. He's going back to the Boardroom. Again. Once again awful Laura is on the winning team and they get to go shopping or something. Whatever. It's BULLSHIT!
Meanwhile, down at the end of Loser Street in Heartbreak cafe Chris is devestated over some sad piano music. My heart is actually breaking for him. Surely he's for the off, after all, this is his fourth time in front of Shoogs. Of course he brings back happless duo Jamie and Christopher. So Jamie what have you got to say? 'Well, you know, the early worm catches the bird.' Right. Christopher? 'I'm a nice guy.' Chris. *Sighs and shakes head.* Shoogs leads us a merry dance, who's going? Christopher, you're fired. Wow, massively surprised that Chris has survived, again. My theory is he's hypnotising Shoogs with his beautiful eyes....
Next week, buying crap for the least amount of money. Fantastic.
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